Easily Communicate Order Status With Your Team Using the Share Order Feature
November 1, 2023
We are excited to announce the release of our new Share Order feature on sigmaaldrich.com. This new capability allows users to easily share an order details link via email to a specific user or copy the link to distribute on their own. The best part? The recipient doesn't have to log in to view the order details!
The Share Order feature launched on April 29th, 2023, and is accessible through the order details view of each user's account. This is a wonderful new tool that will allow users to share order information with team members, colleagues, or any other relevant party, quickly and easily.
To utilize this feature, users simply log into their account, navigate to the order they’d like to share, and while viewing the order details select the ‘Share’ icon above the order summary panel. From there it’s a simple selection of copy or email and you’ll be on your way to sharing a link allowing the recipient to view on-demand order details.

One of the key benefits of the Share Order feature is that it shares a limited view of specific information. This way, certain details can be kept private while allowing the recipient to access only the relevant product and shipping information they need.
Another great feature of this tool is that it enables easier collaboration among team members. No longer will individuals have to share information via long and confusing email chains. No longer will scientists be messaging procurement repeatedly for order updates. With Share Order, users can simply share the order link and get everyone aligned and up to speed.
We understand the importance of a streamlined process for our customers, and that's why we've developed the Share Order feature. It's a powerful tool that will save time and allow for seamless collaboration among team members.

It's important to note that users will only be able to share order details and no changes can be made by the recipient. As always, we prioritize the security and privacy of our users, and this new feature is no exception.
We hope that the Share Order feature will be a welcome addition to our users' workflow, and we look forward to continuing to deliver cutting-edge technology to enhance their experience on sigmaaldrich.com. Remember, the new Share Order feature is now live, so go ahead and give it a try!
For any questions regarding this new feature or additional information on how to use it, users are encouraged to view our FAQ section.
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