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Showing 1-9 of 9 results for "132-60-5" within Site Content
Garg Group – Professor Product Portal
The Garg group develops methods for the synthesis of natural products and pharmaceuticals. One key method pertains to heterocyclic arynes, such as indolynes and pyridynes, which are generated in situ from silyltriflate precursors under mild fluoride based reaction conditions.
Pressure-Temperature Calculator for Solvents
Use the calculator to determine the boiling point or pressure of solvents based on the Antoine Equation and see solvent attributes. View a list of products based on the solvent CAS number.
Sample Preparation for Affinity Chromatography in Specific Groups of Biomolecules
Sample Preparation for Affinity Chromatography in Specific Groups of Biomolecules
Photo-Crosslinkable Gelatin Hydrogel: Versatile Materials for (High Resolution) Additive Manufacturing
Discussion of synthetic modifications to gelatin, improving the three-dimensional (3D) print resolution, and resulting material properties.
Sample Preparation in Ion Exchange Chromatography
This page clarifies sample preparation, buffer exchange and desalting, removal of lipoproteins, phenol red, and low molecular weight contaminants in Ion exchange chromatography.
Sample Preparation for Chromatographic Purification
This page discusses various aspects of sample preparation for chromatographic purification.
Discovery and Single Crystal Growth of Lanthanide Intermetallics—Interplay of Synthesis and Physical Properties
Solid state and materials chemistry have made a tremendous impact and have experienced growth in recent years, particularly for rare earthcontaining materials.
Delivery of Nucleic Acids Using Polymers
Delivery of Nucleic Acids Using Polymers
Graphene-Based Composites and their Unique Renewable Energy Applications
Graphene is a unique two-dimensional (2D) structure of monolayer
carbon atoms packed into a dense honeycomb crystal that has attracted
great interest due to its diverse and fascinating properties.