gas chromatography (GC): suitable
管材長度 × 外徑 × 內徑
50 ft × 1/4 in. (6.35 mm) × 0.190 in. (4.83 mm)
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符合ASTM B-280规范。
Carrier gas and transfer lines used are made up of copper tubing. GC copper columns are constructed from copper tubing. The tubing is generally 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch in diameter and 1 or 2 meters long which may be filled with tiny polymeric spheres coated with same kind of stationary phase.
Copper tubing may be used in construction of esterification apparatus. Copper tubing may be crimped around the metal tubing with the ends of the cryotrap to enhance electrical connection.
Brian L. Murphy, Robert D. Morrison
Introduction to Environmental Forensic (2014)
Rapid methylation of microamounts of nonvolatile acids.
Levitt, M. J.
Analytical Chemistry, 45, 618-620 (1973)
Max M. Houck, Jay A. Siegel
Fundamentals of Forensic Science (2009)
New fast screening method for organochlorine pesticides in water by using solid-phase microextraction with fast gas chromatography and a pulsed-discharge electron capture detector.
Jackson, Glen P.
Analyst, 123, 1085-1090 (1998)