Complete Solutions for PCR Assay Development
Your Partner from Concept to Clinic
Products for your PCR workflow
We offer a wide variety of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) reagents, kits and tools to meet your experimental needs at any stage of development or manufacturing. Our products vary from routine to enhanced, so that you find the level of fidelity, speed, and accuracy you need for every PCR assay.
Steps in the PCR Assay Workflow
Sample Collection & Stabilization | Nucleic Acid Extraction & Purification | Amplification | Post-PCR Clean Up
PCR Product Selection Guides, Tools & Resources
- Select reagents compatible with your experiment and your instrument with our PCR Selection Guide
- Ensure the success of scaled-up reactions with our interactive, online PCR MasterMix Calculator
- Learn about the importance of using nuclease-free water for reagents and cleaning glassware in molecular biology applications.
- Find detailed experimental information in our PCR Technologies Guide with Protocols
- Choose the size marker (standard DNA, digested DNA, PCR or RNA) that best suits your needs with our Marker & Ladder Selection Guide
- Try our Selection Guide for Stabilizing Reagents to choose the right product to preserve your samples
- View our video guide or test the tool to discover a better way to order your custom DNA and RNA oligos and qPCR probes
Sample Collection & Stabilization
We offer a wide range of collection systems to help you safely store, transport and preserve your samples no matter what source they originate from.
- Safely collect, store and transport samples with our selection of Whatman® FTA® cards, Whatman® FTA® purification reagent and containers
- Preserve DNA and RNA from biological samples at room temperature for long periods of time with complete and rapid sample recovery. Our Selection Guide for Stabilizing Reagents will help you choose the right product for your specific needs.
Nucleic Acid Extraction & Purification
Extract DNA and/or RNA from samples with your method of choice: lysis, organic solvents or column.
- Lysis reagents to degrade cellular components include:
- Proteinase K
- DNA removal with DNase I, Amplification Grade or Deoxyribonuclease I RNase-free solution from bovine pancreas
- RNA removal with Ribonuclease A or RNaseZAP™ - Extract from a wide selection of sample types with our range of organic solvents:
- Isolate DNA, RNA and protein simultaneously
- Isolate RNA with decreased DNA contamination
- Isolate total and small RNA from human, animal, plant bacterial, and viral samples
- Process tissues, cells or cell pellets
- Process whole blood, plasma or serum
- Process fluid samples, such as cell suspensions, CSF, and amniotic fluid - Choose from column-based kits and reagents to:
- Extract and amplify crude genomic DNA from mammalian tissue and blood, plasma and serum
- Extract high-quality genomic DNA from mammalian cells, tissue, blood, serum, plasma, urine, stool, FFPE tissue,
fungi or bacteria
- Isolate and purify total RNA, mRNA, microRNA or small RNA from tissue, single cell, FFPE samples, fungi, plasma and
- Co-purify RNA, DNA and protein from a single sample, including from tissues, cells and FFPE samples
- Perform high-throughput 96-well isolation and purification of DNA or RNA from blood and tissue and total RNA
- DNA Amplification
- Perform routine PCR with Taq DNA polymerase, RedTaq® DNA polymerase and ReadyMixes
- For challenging long, GC-rich or crude samples requiring higher fidelity than Taq blends, try our high fidelity KOD
DNA polymerases
- Reduce non-specific amplification and increase target yield with Hot Start PCR and KOD Hot Start PCR techniques
- We offer FastStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase and the combination FastStart™ Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPack, ideal for
a range of PCR types (routine, multiplex, difficult templates, automated, Hot Start and RT-PCR)
- For Long & Accurate (LA) PCR, we offer a range of LA thermostable and proofreading polymerases
- For fragments up to 5kb, the Expand High Fidelity PCR System is a mixture of Taq DNA polymerase and a DNA
polymerase with proofreading activity, delivering 2-fold higher yield and 3-fold greater fidelity compared to
Taq DNA polymerase alone
- For Quantitative (qPCR) or Real-Time PCR, we provide reagents for both SYBR® Green based and Probe-based
methods, compatible with major instruments
- Our comprehensive offering of custom and predesigned DNA oligos & qPCR probes
- Repair and restore damaged and degraded DNA with our specialty DNA polymerases
- For highly specific and efficient amplification of variants for genotyping, we offer Inhibitor Resistant PCR ReadyMixes
compatible with a range of instruments
- Stop mis-priming: ThermaStop™ and ThermaGo™ improve specificity and fidelity of Taq Polymerase in
applications such as qPCR, multiplexing and preparation of DNA amplicons prior to next generation sequencing (NGS)
- RNA Amplification
Reverse Transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) is a variation of standard PCR and involves the amplification of specific mRNA obtained from very small samples
- Choose from our range of RT-PCR kits, cDNA synthesis kits and mixes, RT enzymes and additional reagents
- For rapid and sensitive gene expression analysis, try our One-Step RT-PCR kit or the Enhanced Avian HS RT-PCR Kit
which offers the flexibility of one-step or two-step PCR. We also offer a ReadyScript®cDNA Synthesis Mix, a sensitive
and easy-to-use solution for two-step RT-PCR
- Our RT-qPCR products combine the effectiveness of Reverse Transcriptase with hot-start Taq-directed antibody in
convenient ReadyMixes for probe-based or SYBR® Green based applications
- Prevent mis-priming before RT-PCR, increase RT-PCR specificity, and inhibit non-specific polymerase activity
using ThermaStop™-RT
Post-PCR Clean Up
- Isolate single- or double-stranded PCR amplification fragments by gel purification
- Our agarose is suitable for a wide range of nucleic acid and protein gel applications - Purify PCR products with spin columns and high-throughput 96-well format products
- Rapidly and efficiently purify DNA or RNA with MagPrep® magnetic beads
Quality Ancillary Reagents
Accelerate assay commercialization with the simplicity and convenience of one-stop shopping. To reduce risk of contamination and faulty PCR results, we offer high quality ancillary reagents.
- dNTPs (deoxynucleotides) are available as individual dNTPs or as sets of four dNTPS
- Ribonucleotides (rNTPs) for RNA transcription
- Certified PCR graded reagents, including human genomic DNA, chaotropic agents, biological buffers, protease inhibitor cocktails, MgCl2, DMSO, glycerol as well as PCR optimizer to improve yield and specificity
- Molecular biology grade water, Milli-Q® water purification systems, TritonTM X, formamide
- A comprehensive selection of PCR accessories and PCR lab equipment
Simplify PCR assay development and manufacture with a partner who understands the IVD market
Accelerate your time to market with our fit-for-use products which offer the quality, consistency and documentation necessary for every step of your IVD development and manufacturing process.
Proven expertise in PCR assay development
Leverage our extensive range of PCR products, from our novel KOD polymerase, REDTaq® DNA polymerase, PCR mixes and custom primers to PCR enhancers. Each component is thoroughly tested to ensure you achieve the best results possible in your PCR reactions. These high-quality products go hand in hand with our assay development knowledge, based on in-depth product development and manufacturing experience, and supported by IVD industry partnerships.
Discover the value of partnering from concept to clinic
Partner with us early in development to source raw materials aligned with your needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient transfer from R&D through to commercialization.
We offer:
- Product selection assistance
- Risk mitigation support
- Clear quality and supply chain guidelines
- A reliable and transparent global supply chain
- Proactive forecasting
- Superior documentation
- Regulatory insight
Impact of early supplier involvement:

Bulk and Custom Raw Materials & Contract (OEM) Manufacturing for PCR Assay Developers and Manufacturers
In addition to letting you design and order your custom DNA and RNA oligos and qPCR probes, we offer years of experience in critical and non-critical raw material manufacturing, supporting a full range of custom and contract manufacturing services for diagnostic manufacturers.

Let us partner with you from the development of the initial concept, through to scale up and final manufacturing. We ensure that you have quality products, at the optimal scale, at the right time, to aid your rapid commercialization.
Gain the flexibility to meet all your manufacturing needs:
- Bulk configured reagents
- Customized packaging and labeling
- Custom reagent formulation
- Custom QC and assay support
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