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Showing 1-30 of 412 results for "106-53-6" within Technical Documents
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
49 109 21 42 33 84 39 83 106 84 6 6 4 86 113 99 83 60 52 78 107 107
100 107 106 103 41 19 84 22 94 57 15 53 45 65 75 93 43
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
49 109 21 42 33 84 39 83 106 84 6 6 4 86 113 99 83 60 52 78 107 107
100 107 106 103 41 19 84 22 94 57 15 53 45 65 75 93 43
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
3711 39 155 33
25 18 21 23 106 51 34 103 23 56 31 10305 41 156 34
27 19 23 21 111 55 35 113 26 58 30 10428 40 159 33
Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Inserts
0.4 1 × 108 12 Translucent
1.0 2 × 106 11 Transparent
3.0 2 × 106 9 Translucent
5.0 6 × 105 10 Translucent
8.0 2 × 105 11
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6041-103 and A6041-203
IFNα2 Control 1 53 - 110 pg/mL IL-4 Control 1 261 - 541 pg/mL
Control 2 275 - 572 pg/mL Control 2 1334 - 2771 pg/mL
Monoclonal Anti-B23 antibody produced in mouse (B0556)
cytometer according
to manufacturer's instructions.
1. Hogg, N.H., et al., Immunology, 53, 753 (1984).
2. Linch, D.C., et al., Blood, 63, 566 (1984).
3. Khin, Y., et al., Int. J. Cancer
Product Information Sheet - CS0004
Cell culture preparation and fixation
It is recommended to use this procedure with
4 × 106 to 5 × 106 cells. This assay was tested with
HeLa cells and might require a calibration when other
Data Sheet - P5435
5. Goyert, S. M., et al., Science, 239, 497 (1988).
6. Haziot, A., et al., J. Immunol., 141, 547 (1988).
7. Hogg, N. H., et al., Immunology, 53, 753 (1984).
8. Linch, D. C., et al., Blood, 63, 566 (1984
Data Sheet - X3378
J., 17, 2215-2223
9. Verhagen, A.M., et al., Cell, 102, 43-53 (2000).
10. Tamm, I., et al., Clin. Cancer Res., 6, 1796-1803
KAA 01/03
Sigma brand
TB214VM pSTBlue-1 Vector
AhdI 1 1747
AluI 19
AlwI 12
Alw26I 3 905 1681 2413
AlwNI 1 3101
ApaI 1 163
ApaLI 2 1075 3196
ApoI 6 91 106 399 410 2010
AvaI 3 124 162 2269
AvaII 2 1383 1605
AvrII 1 130
BamHI 1 84
BanI 4 51 634
EX-CELL CHO Medium (C1707)
Dev. Biol. Animal. 35(4), 178-182
4. Bjare, U., Serum-free culture. Pharmacol. Ther.,
53(3), 355-374 (1992).
Precautions and Disclaimer MSDS is available upon
request or at
Application Note - qPCR Assays Using the LightCycler 2.0 Instrument
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46
Melting peaks Amplification curves
EX-CELL CHO Medium (C5467)
Dev. Biol. Animal, 35(4), 178-182
4. Bjare, U., Serum-free culture. Pharmacol. Ther.,
53(3), 355-374 (1992).
Pluronic is a registered trademark of the BASF
Data Sheet - C7673
IV, Knapp, W., et al., eds., p.1078,
(Oxford Press, New York, 1989).
Hogg, N., et al., Immunology, 53, 753 (1984).
Linch, D. C., et al., Blood, 63, 566 (1984).
Lwin, K. Y., et al., Int. J. Cancer, 36
Monoclonal Anti-CD36 antibody produced in mouse (C4679)
non-specific staining with
the conjugated second antibody.
1. Hogg, N., et al., Immunology, 53, 753 (1984).
2. von den Born, A.E., et al., in Leukocyte Typing IV,
Knapp, W., (ed.), p961, 996
Product Information Sheet - D1916
Synthesis Prevent Neuronal Death
Caused by Nerve Growth Factor Deprivation. J.
Cell Biology, 106, 829 (1988).
6. Scott, S.A., and Davies, A.M., J. Neurobiology, 21,
630 (1991).
EM,CKV,MAM 06/13-1
Data Sheet - C8862
Figure 4
1. Bjare, U., Serum-free culture. Pharmacol. Ther.,
53(3), 355-374 (1992).
2. Kim, E.J. et al., Development of a serum-free
Data Sheet - F5647
239, 497 (1988).
Haziot, A., et al., J. Immunol., 141, 547 (1988).
Hogg, N., et al., Immunology, 53, 753 (1984).
Linch, D. C., et al., Blood, 63, 566 (1984).
Lwin,K. Y., et al., Int. J. Cancer, 36
User Guide - CLX 7000 Series
Specialist or Qualified
Service Representative.
User Manual | Preface | 6/53
User Manual | Specifications | 7/53
Feed Water Specifications
The system has been designed
Quality Control Range Sheet- HST-111 and HST-211
HITAC Control 1 51 – 106 pg/mL IL-21 Control 1 7.2 – 15 pg/mL
Control 2 255 – 529 pg/mL Control 2 35 – 72 pg/mL
Validation and Qualification for Durapore® Sterilizing-Grade (0.22 µm) Membrane VMF4
7 13.6 >8.29 106
20 10.3 4.35 113 10 14.1 >8.29 99
54 12.6 6.22 108 11 13.8 >8.29 93
22 12.4 6.25 104 12 13.6 >8.29 89
40 12.6 6.33 106 13 14.9
Data Sheet - SAB4200745
al., PLoS ONE, 9, e98285
5. Allton K., et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 106,
11612-6 (2009).
6. Nanra JS., et al., Hum Vaccin Immunother., 9,
480-7 (2013).
Product Information Sheet - N9376
al., Biochem. J., 78(1), 106-110
2. Biochemical Preparations, Volume 10, J. Wiley
(New York, NY), p. 118 (1963)
3. Bowers, G.N., Jr. et al., Clin. Chem., 26(6), 724-
729 (1980).
Data Sheet - SAB4200210
410, 49-53
2. Balsinde, J., and Balboa, M.A., Cell. Signal., 17,
1052-1062 (2005).
3. Sun, G.Y., et al., J. Lipid Res., 45, 205-213 (2004).
4. Shelat, P.B., et al., J. Neurochem., 106, 45-55
Cell Culture Poster
direct transfer of cells into this
medium. Cultures reach maximum cell density (5-6 x 106 cells/ml) between days 5 and 6
when inoculated at 2.5 x 105 cells/ml. Cultures grown in this medium and infected
Product Information Sheet - N4645
for Microbiology
(Washington, D. C.: 1986), pp. 106-107.
TWEEN is a registered trademark of Uniqema, a
business unit of ICI America, Inc.
CMH 6/03
Sigma brand products are sold through
Product Information Sheet - N2507
., Enzyme immunoassays in
diagnostic medicine. Theory and practice. Bull.
World Health Organ., 53(1), 55-65 (1976).
2. Engvall, E., Enzyme immunoassay ELISA and
EMIT. Methods Enzymol., 70(A)
Data Sheet - SAB4200211
2. Balsinde, J., and Balboa, M.A., Cell. Signal., 17,
1052-1062 (2005).
3. Sun, G.Y., et al., J. Lipid Res., 45, 205-213 (2004).
4. Shelat, P.B., et al., J. Neurochem., 106, 45
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6602-106 and A6602-206
936 pg/mL Control 2 796 – 1654 pg/mL
MCP-1 Control 1 102 – 212 pg/mL TNF β Control 1 53 – 111 pg/mL
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6602-106 and A6602-206
936 pg/mL Control 2 796 – 1654 pg/mL
MCP-1 Control 1 102 – 212 pg/mL TNF β Control 1 53 – 111 pg/mL
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