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3D cell culture

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dECM hydrogels 3D culture
Comparison of decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM) hydrogels to Matrigel® matrices for predictive 3D cell culture models
Utilization of TrueGel3D™ Hydrogels to Study Fibroblast Spreading
Fibroblasts that are present in the stroma secrete glycoproteins and polysaccharides to form extracellular matrix. They maintain the structural integrity within the connective tissue and play a key role in cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, scleroderma and
3D Cell Culture with Corning Microplates
Take a deep dive into the world of 3D cell culture courtesy of Corning and understand why the Corning® spheroid microplate can be an asset in the evolution of 3D cell culture.
Advanced Cell Culture Technology for Generation of In Vivo-like Tissue Models
Sophisticated models are developing as 3D cell culture technology becomes established and accepted as a means of creating more physiologically relevant cell-based assays.
Using Human iPS Cell-derived Colon Organoids for Cytotoxicity Screening of Drug Compounds
Human epithelial intestinal colonic organoids can be used as an alternative to Caco-2 drug permeability assays for drug screening and compound toxicity testing.
Millicell® Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) Plate FAQs
Learn how to grow spheroid cultures in ULA plates, the common applications and benefits of ULA plates for 3D cell culture, Millicell® ULA plate dimensions, plate handling, troubleshooting, and more.
HyStem™ Hyaluronic Acid Based Hydrogels for 3D Cell Culture Applications
Hystem 3D hydrogels are based on hyaluronic acid, a major component of the extracellular matrix. 3D cell culture can be done using Hystem hydrogels.
Cell Migration and Invasion Assay Guidance using Millicell® Cell Culture Inserts
How to set up cell migration assays using cell culture inserts.
Tissue-Specific Decellularized Extracellular Matrix (dECM) Hydrogels for Enhanced 3D Cell Cultures
To isolate the native extracellular matrix of a tissue from its inhabiting cells, a decellularization process is employed.
5 Reasons Cancer Researchers Adopt 3D Cell Culture: A Review of Recent Literature
Numerous cancer model systems are available to investigate disease mechanisms and to screen therapies. While all of the models have contributed critical information about cancer biology.
3D Cell Culture Tools and Techniques
3D cell culture overview. Learn about 2D vs 3D cell culture, advantages of 3D cell culture, and techniques available to develop 3D cell models
Three-Dimensional Bioprinting for Tissue and Disease Modeling
Professor Shrike Zhang (Harvard Medical School, USA) discusses advances in 3D-bioprinted tissue models for in vitro drug testing, reviews bioink selections, and provides application examples of 3D bioprinting in tissue model biofabrication.
Fibronectin (FN) plays crucial roles in extracellular matrix fibril assembly and cellular interactions.
Barrier Formation and Permeability Assays using Millicell® Hanging Cell Culture Inserts
How to set up barrier formation and permeability assays using cell culture inserts and TEER measurements.
What is Hyaluronan?
Explore the role of hyaluronan, hyaluronic acid structure, hyaluronan synthesis & degradation, and more. Find GAGs, hydrogels, and scaffold kits.
True Gel3D™ Hydrogel Troubleshooting
Troubleshoot TrueGel3D™ hydrogel formation and cell viability issues with RGD-degradable polymer and CD cell-degradable crosslinker.
Photocrosslinkable Hydrogels for 3D Cell Culture
Methacrylated hydrogels enable 3D cell culture scaffolds and bioprinting using light crosslinking.
Attachment Factors for Three-dimensional Cell Culture
The extracellular matrix (ECM) and its attachment factor components are discussed in this article in relation to their function in structural biology and their availability for in vitro applications.
Cancer Stem Cell Proliferation in Human Prostate and Breast Cancer Cell Lines Utilizing a New Defined Serum-Free 3D Spheroid Media
Serum-free defined cancer stem cell media used to grow and expand cancer cells in 3D tumorsphere aggregates.
Organoid Culture Frequently Asked Questions
Organoid culture FAQs. Learn how to culture and analyze organoids following established 3D cell culture protocols. Tips and tricks.
3D Organoid Culture: New In Vitro Models of Development and Disease
Organoid culture products to generate tissue and stem cell derived 3D brain, intestinal, gut, lung and cancer tumor organoid models.
MaxGel™ ECM Hydrogel: An In Vitro Human Cell Derived Basement Membrane Extract for 3D Cell Culture Applications
Human cell derived basement membrane extract (BME) hydrogel for 3D cell culture of primary cell, stem cell and xenograph cancer models.
3D Imaging of Optically Cleared Spheroids in Corning® Spheroid Microplates
Discover how Corning® Spheroid Microplates played a key role in the use of use of 3D cell cultures for in vitro drug discovery assay.
Hydrogels for 3D Cell Culture
Hydrogela are the most widely used systems for 3D cell culture. Learn more about this technology (what are hydrogels? How to chose?)
High-Throughput Drug Screening using TrueGel3D® HTS Hydrogel Plates
Compound cytotoxicity screening assays with 3D cell cultures using TrueGel3D® HTS Hydrogel Plates including dose response curves, IC50 determination, and spheroid killing assay data.
3D Pluripotent Stem Cells: Simplified Culture and Realistic Differentiation
This white paper illustrates the importance of three-dimensional (3D) cell culture in the production of pluripotent stem cell (PSC)-derived models of embryo development and differentiation. It contains a general overview of embryoid bodies (EBs) and a comparison between the various
TrueGel3D™ Hydrogel for 3D Cell Culture
TrueGel3D™ is a synthetic hydrogels platform for 3D cell culture that aim to mimic the natural extracellular environment for more physiological culture conditions
Lung Cancer Organoid Biobank
Explore our cryopreserved human lung organoid biobank from NSCLC tumor biopsies for lung cancer, SARS-CoV2, COPD and pulmonary disease research. Lung organoid 3D cell culture protocol available.
Blood Brain Barrier Antibody Penetration Assay using Millicell® Microwell Plates
Discover a high throughput assay using organoids and Millicell® Microwell plates. Our novel blood brain barrier model allows direct cell-to-cell interactions, closely modeling the in vivo properties.
Millicell® Microwell Plates Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Explore answers to your frequency asked questions about Millicell® Microwell plates. Our plates support reliable organoid culture with array of ultra-dense microwells in hydrogel for immunology, drug development, and cell therapy applications.
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