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Showing 1-30 of 1730 results for "75-80-9" within Technical Documents
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
0 . 3 2 5 . 5 8 3 2 84 99 99 9 64 59 20 90 93 80 94 103 96 52 55 89 82 89 99 94 102 95 86 101 105 106 34
Product Information Sheet - P5380
minutes (activity remaining):19 • 30 °C ≈ 25% • 40 °C ≈ 40% • 50 °C ≈ 75% • 55-60 °C ≈ 95+% • 65 °C ≈ 80-85%
Culturing hESCs on the Corning Synthemax Surface
Repeat D-PBS rinse. 9. Pipette cell mixture 3 to 5 times to assure single-cell suspension and dilute appropriately for cell count (10 mL for one well of a 6 well plate; 40 mL for a T-75 flask; 120 mL for
Data Sheet - 104648
40 60 80 100 G0 G0F G1F G2F % g ly co fo rm c o m p o si ti o n CHO producing IgG - D14 Glycosylation 100% Cellvento®
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors 84 99 99 9 64 59 20 90 93 80 94 103 96 52 55 89 82 89 99 94 102 95 86 101 105 106 34 37 57 87 81 26
Rapid Identification of coliform bacteria and E. Coli in water
75)O� �� 3� �������O����3�8$O�9.���� A�"�O� ���&��� V����O �������+!&! D��J�+ "D��� �A!���������V7&O�A+�"� �� &��O�!��!��O`'a��T����� 3�+���F+�������R��� @��9 ���+!�� ����!�!������ ! "��9�)&�9
Corning Synthemax-R Surface for Research
1160 Hungary Ingyenes telefonszám: 06 80 355 355 Ingyenes fax szám: 06 80 344 344 Tel: (+36) 1 235 9063 Fax: (+36) 1 269 6470 India Telephone: Bangalore: (+91) 80 6621 9400 New Delhi: (+91) 11 4358 8000
Adult Hippocampal Arctic Ground Squirrel Neural Stem Cells (AGS-NSC)
reach 70% to 80% confluence) 12. Prepare AGS-NSC Differentiation Medium 13. Trypsinize and count cells as per instructions on page 3 14. Inoculate another Poly-L-Ornithine coated T-75 flask with
Eshmuno® CPX Resin Data Sheet
12 5 6 8 7 9 10 11 120 120 120 120 120 110 110 100 100 90 90 80 70 110 120
Column Lifetime Methylmalonic Acid - B -Deficiency12 0 1 2 3 Retention Time (min) 80 75 70 Acetonitrile Fraction in Mobile Phase K' = 2.3 K' =
Mobius®CellReady 50 L and 200 L Single-use Bioreactor Systems Performance Guide
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 4 2 6 8 10 12 14 Gl uc os e [g /L ] Culture time [d] 0 1 2 3 4
Chromatography Purification Guide
Strong 48-60 80 – 100 1-9 ++ ++ ++++ Fractogel® EMD SO3 resin (Item #1.16882/#1.16890) Strong 48-60, (M) type 24-40, (S) type 80 – 100 1-9 ++ +++ ++++
Montage Albumin Deplete Kit
by Radial Immunodiffusion Assay Human Plasma Albumin Volume (µL) Depletion (%) 20 85 50 75 75 65 100 58 Performance Depletion of Albumin from Human Plasma Figure 1. Human plasma
Seed Train Intensification Using High Cell Density Cryopreservation and Specially-designed Expansion Medium
400 200 0 75 61 2 3 4 Ig G [ m g/ L] days + 44%CHOZN® Cell Line N=6 Expansion in Expansion Medium Expansion in ExCEll® Advanced HD Perfusion Medium 0
Immunomonitoring using the Scepter 2.0 Cell Counter and Software Pro
90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Flow Cytometry C ou nt 10000 02000 4000 6000 8000 10000 R2 R1 Forward Scatter
Product Information Sheet - S1670
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S0795
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S2170
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S1795
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S0920
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S1420
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S1545
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S1045
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Calcium carbonate as a replacement for titanium dioxide in coating
demonstrate good opacity (Figure 9). Figure 9. CIElab values of coated tablets with Parteck® TA excipient vs. other market samples (C1–C4). 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
Product Information Sheet - S1295
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S1170
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S0670
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S2420
Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S3170
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
Product Information Sheet - S3295
Range Spin Column 10 and 30 25-50 µl 50-120 µl Spin Column 100 40-75 µl 75-150 µl Spin Column 200 40-75 µl 100-200 µl Spin Column 400 40-75 µl 150-250 µl Spin Column 1000 70-100 µl 250-350 µl Procedure
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