

- 便携式电池供电的 MAS-100 NT® (带或不带过滤器)、相应的防爆版MAS-100 NT Ex® (带或不带过滤器)、 MAS-100 VF 三个系列的微生物空气采样器专用于ISO 5级以下的洁净室。
- MAS-100 Eco® 简单易用,专为食品和饮料行业而设计。
- MAS-100 ISO NT®和MAS-100 ISO MH®用于固定安装在隔离器或RABS中,最多可设4个采样点。
- MAS-100 Atmos® 是一款便携、电池供电且格外易用的微生物压缩气体采样器,可实现压缩气体、氮气、二氧化碳和氩气的准确采样。

RCS® 离心式环境空气和压缩气体空气采样器
RCS® 系列以其安全可靠的环境监测能力在食品、医疗和制药行业享有盛誉。RCS® 大流量触摸式微生物空气采样器采用高清彩色触摸屏、直观的软件和符合人体工程学的设计,确保在使用琼脂条进行环境空气和压缩气体监测时高度可靠。
- RCS® 大流量触摸式手持空气采样器 配备了高清彩色触摸屏和直观的软件,使用非常方便。结合我们的压缩气体适配器,该仪器还具有检测压缩气体的双重功能。
- RCS® 压缩气体适配器 提供对压缩气体进行微生物监测的额外功能。它可以从活性空气检测模式轻松切换到压缩气体检测模式。
所有 RCS® 取样器均采用Reuter离心撞击原理,具有以下主要优势:
- 平缓的撞击速度
- 湍流小,气流受控
- 微生物分布均匀
- 琼脂不会出现局部干燥情况
- 采用标准化琼脂培养基的完整系统
- 采样头可高压灭菌
- Poster: MAS-100 NT® Air Outlet Particle Filter
Viable Air Samplers are used for quantitative determination of airborne contamination in cleanrooms and isolators.
- Brochure: Environmental Monitoring Solutions for Pharmaceutical Industry
GMP compliant solutions for process monitoring in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
- Application Note: Biological Efficiency of the MAS-100 NT® Air Sampler with TSA w. LTHThio sedi. ICR Settle Plates
ISO 14698-1 describes standard methods to measure biological contamination in cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.
- Application Note: Using Different Perforated Lids on the MAS-100® Family Air Samplers
Perforated lids are crucial to the physical and biological sampling efficiency of impaction-based microbial air samplers.
- Application Note: Impact of Higher Volumes and Sequential Sampling in Active Air Monitoring
Modified methods in tests with the MAS-100 NT® air sampler and ICR settle plates.
- Application Note: Impact of the New EN 17141 on the ISO 14698 Validation of MAS-100® Air Samplers
The scope of the new norm is to establish the requirements, recommendations and methodology for microbiological contamination control in clean controlled environments.
- Application Note: VHP Decontamination of MAS-100 NT® Microbial Air Sampler - Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination
Active microbial air sampling is frequently required for cleanrooms and associated controlled environments.
- Application Note: How to Achieve Full Data Integrity for the MAS-100 NT® Air Sampler
Environmental monitoring (EM) is the key process measuring the efficiency of the sum of all measures implemented to minimize the contamination risk in the aseptic manufacturing environment.
- Flyer: Eliminate the Risk of Cleanroom Cross-contamination
As portable air samplers are sometimes moved and used across environments with different levels of microbial contamination, there is a potential risk of cross-contamination between areas.
- Data Sheet: Our Services Portfolio Supporting the MAS-100® Family
Discover our services portfolio supporting the MAS-100® family for active air monitoring.