

超高纯材料具有研究、新技术开发和先进产品制造必需的优异性能和质量。我们产品的盐纯度超过99.998%,微量金属杂质低于百万分之十。我们的ISO 9001质量管理体系可确保良好的批次间一致性,并附带提供批次分析报告(CoA)来保证性能的可靠性。

AnhydroBeads™ 盐
我们的AnhydroBeads™盐兼具高纯度、单分散和自由流动特性,可在空气和湿度敏感的应用中提供优良性能。这类无水盐在苛刻的干燥生产条件下进行开发和测试,以确保含水量为百万分之几,微量金属纯度为99.9%(3N)至99.999%(5N)之间,且表面积-体积比低(直径约2 mm)。
特点 & 优势
- 降低环境水分吸收率,最大限度减少结块、灰尘和静电积聚,便于反复轻松处理
- 在高温固态反应中具有坩埚堆积密度高、挥发性低等优势
- 减少了粉状盐相关的沉淀和堵塞问题,更易将盐气动加样到样品室
- 挥发性低,可安全稳定地使用、保存和运输

特点 & 优势
- 大尺寸预包装,价格实惠
- 可扩展的供应链,满足您的制造需求
- 维持库存,确保快速交付
- 提供质量和文件支持



- Brochure: Unlock the Power of Purity: High Purity Metal Salts
Metal salts enhance surface properties in electroplating, improving abrasion and corrosion resistance, lubricity, reflectivity, and aesthetics. Precious metal salts are crucial in electronics and are also used in automotive, jewelry, and aerospace industries.
- Brochure: High-Purity Materials for Molten Salt Applications
Molten salts are efficient for chemical reactions and energy storage due to their high heat capacity and conductivity. In molten salt reactors, they enhance safety and reduce waste by operating at low pressure and serving as both fuel and coolant.
- Material Matters: Nanomaterials: Controlled Synthesis and Properties
A nanomaterial can be broadly defined as any material in which one of its dimensions is less than 100nm. Over the last decade, nanomaterials, including their synthetic methods, have rapidly become one of the most active areas in scientific research, mainly on account of their unique properties in comparison to the traditional micron-sized material.
- Material Matters: Magnetic Nanomaterials: Design and Synthesis
Recent efforts in engineered magnetic nanostructures have emphasized high-sensitivity hybrid organic/inorganic systems for biosensing, bioimaging, drug delivery, as well as selective magnetic isolation and hyperthermia.
- Material Matters: Nanomaterial Synthesis: Creativity at the Nanoscale
Innovative materials start with innovative chemistry. Our cover art highlights the importance of starting materials in the synthesis process, whether they be quantum dots, nanowires, gold nanorods, or engineered carbon nanotube architectures for novel electronic applications.
- Article: High-Energy Lithium-Ion Batteries via a Couette–Taylor-Flow-Reactor
Experts discuss challenges and production processes of nickel-rich layered oxide cathode materials in energy storage systems.
- Article: Magnetic-Plasmonic Hybrid Nanobeads Designed for Imaging and Isolation of Cellular Organelles
Laboratory safety tools: Offers educational tools for chemistry, prioritizing customer health and safety, with online support available.
- Article: Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biosensing
Prof. Randal Lee discusses iron oxide magnetic nanospheres and nanocubes design considerations for biosensing applications.
- Article: High Purity Organics