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Showing 1-30 of 572 results for "111-30-8" within Technical Documents
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
21 11 14 605 104 42 28 89 14 45 26 31 30 121 25
20 13 16 582 111 43 27 96 16 45 25 32 28 137 25
19 12 17
Product Information Sheet - Negative Photoresist Kit
Diameter (in.) Formula Orientation
65,147-8 Gallium antiminide 2 GaSb (100)
65,148-6 Gallium arsenide 2 GaAs (100)
65,149-4 Gallium phosphide 2 GaP (111)
Silicon Wafers (0.5 mm thick, single side
Twist Hu-Cy3 SmartFlare™ RNA Detection Probe
Twist Hu-Cy3
RNA Detection Probe
Cat. # SF-111
pack size: 50µL (250 rxns)
Store at 2-8°C,
after reconstitution store at 23-27°C
User Guide Pellicon® Capsule and Pellicon® Capsule Stand
Pellicon® Capsule and Pellicon® Capsule Stand User Guide 8
Manifold Installation
Pellicon® capsule manifold assemblies are
Evaluating the Impact of Various Parameters on NovaSeptum®Sterile Sampling Flow Rate
0.1 25 s 50 s 2 min 05 s 8 min 20 s 8 s 20 s 40 s 2 min 50 s
0.2 20 s 20 s 1 min 25 s 5 min 30 s 6 s 15
Protocol- HGAMMAG-303E
ng/mL tube, mix well and transfer 100 µL of the 330 ng/mL
Std to the 111 ng/mL tube, mix well and transfer 100 µL of the 111 ng/mL Std to the
37 ng/mL tube, mix well
Microbiology - 100778 Cult-Dip combi - Instructions for use
sample, close the bottle and mix thoroughly by shaking (about 30
times). Dip the slide into this dilution and proceed as described in 1–8.
Water used for dilution should not contain more than 100 bacteria
NovAseptic® Valve Actuator/Diaphragm Installation Guide
NovAseptic® Valve
Installation Guide
Pneutmatic Actuator
PA#/100 PA#/110 PA#/111
NA#/140-P0 AX#/110
NA#/21 NA#/22 NA#/26
Manual Actuator
NA#/150 NA#/170
Protocol: GLP-1 Total ELISA
12.3 33.5 30.4 91%
37.0 58.2 52.1 90%
111 132.2 123.2 93%
2 0 7 7
12.3 19.3 21.2 110%
Datasheet - T6414
J. Biochem. (Tokyo),
98(2), 435- 448 (1985).
5. Steiner, R. F., Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 100, 111
6. Koide, T., and Ikenaka, T., Studies on soybean
trypsin inhibitors. 1. Fragmentation
Protocol- EZGLP1T-36K|EZGLP1T-36BK
111 132.2 123.2 93%
0 7 7
12.3 19.3 21.2 110%
37.0 44.0 47.9 109%
111 118 131.9 112%
Data Sheet - M9400
It is recommended to store the product at 2–8 °C.
McCleary, B.V., Carbohydr. Res., 111, 297 (1983).
AE,MAM 02/05-1
Data Sheet - H107
Dinitrocatechol (D-131) 0.17 2.8 16.5
1,3-Dipropyl-8-p-sulfophenylxanthine (A-022) 0.43 6.8 16
DNQX (D-123) 111) 30
Estradiol <0.01 21 5250
FG-7142 (E-006) 0.07 1.8
User Guide-RAB1048
Culture Supernatants
Average % of Expected 112 111 99
Range (%) 105-119 105-117 91-106
Average % of Expected Range 119 104 111
Range (%) 111-125 98-110 102-119
RAB1048pis Rev 08/24
Data Sheet - S9059
dilution) with incubation times ranging from
30 minutes to 12 hours.
Product may be stored for extended periods as
packaged (undiluted) at 2-8 °C. Diluted samples should
not be stored
Data Sheet - SAB4200858
Ungewickell E., J. Cell Biol., 111:
19-29 (1990).
3. Schroder S. and Ungewickell E., J. Biol. Chem.,
266: 7910-18 (1991).
4. Lindner R. and Ungewickell E., Biochemistry, 30:
9097-1101 (1991).
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
25 109 92 81 78 91 111 90 83 98 101 72 35 108 99 100 21 63 26
S6K1 0 94 32 98 93 92 86 100 87 75 106 81 25 109 95 101 6 32 18
Data Sheet - S1139
Immunolabeling for Electron
Microscopy, J. M. Polak and I. M. Varndell, Eds.,
Elsevier, New York, NY, pp 95-111 (1984)
Sigma brand products are sold through Sigma-Aldrich, Inc
Investigations to specify the MixMate® vortex function
.5 m/s2. Expressed in a time value, this
means that 15 ml tubes (filled to 2/3) may be mixed for
111 minutes per day using the touch vortex operation
mode (3500 rpm) without exceeding the exposure action
Product Information Sheet - M2789
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
Product Information Sheet - W4253
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
User Guide-RAB1138
Cell Culture Supernatants
Average % of Expected 111 109 110
Range (%) 106-115 94-122 101-118
Average % of Expected Range 106 85 111
Range (%) 99-113 72-102 103-119
RAB1138pis Rev
Product Information Sheet -T2859
Drugs 27, 451,
(1989) (review).
37. Duax, W.L. et al. Environmental Health
Perspectives, 61, 111, (1985).
We provide information and advice to our customers
on application technologies
Product Information Sheet - G7526
Temperature -20 °C
Product Description
Molecular Formula: C5H8O2
Molecular Weight: 100.12
CAS Number: 111-30-8
Density: 1.016 g/ml
Glutaraldehyde is also referred to as glutaral,
1,5-pentanedione, potentiated
Product Information Sheet - M6664
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
Product Information Sheet - O9007
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
Product Information Sheet - S9788
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
Bulletin - SDSPROCE
freeze unused portions of solution at -20°C or
b. To 100 111 of reconstituted SDS-Protein Standards from Step 1.a.,
add 3 111 of Orange G Solution-lnternal Standard (Product No.
O 9007) and 2.5111
Product Information Sheet - C6144
: 893.5
CAS Number: 479-61-8
λmax: 428, 662 (diethyl ether)
Extinction coefficients: EmM = 106-122 (428 nm), 82.9-
88.4 (660 nm)(ether); EmM = 136-168 (428 nm), 111-
137 (660 nm)(acetone)
Chrome E. coli agar (C4221)
sterile glass spreader.
3. Incubate the plates at 30°C for 4 hours and then at
44°C for 18 hours.
Store the dehydrated medium at 2-8°C.
Product Profile
Appearance Beige colored
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