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Showing 1-30 of 538 results for "123-20-6" within Technical Documents
Product Information Sheet - B150
BQ-123 (B150) - Product Information Sheet BQ-123 sodium salt Catalog Number B150 Storage Temperature –20 C CAS RN 136553-81-6 (free acid), 136655-57-7 (1:1 sodium salt) Synonyms
User Guide Opticap® XL and Opticap® XLT Capsules
Durapore® KHGLA 60 126 3 Multimedia Durapore® KVSSA 30 123 3 KVSXA 30 123 3 KVSCA 30 123 3 KV19A 30 123 3 KV06A 30 123 3 KV03A 30 123 3 Millipore Express® PHF KPGEA 60 126 3
Data Sheet - D5042 - Lot 050K1479
will migrate just ahead of the 492 bp fragment. 3. The 123 bp �monomer� will stain noticeably brighter than the other bands. 6/00 Sigma brand products are
Data Sheet - D5042 - Lot 060K0918
will migrate just ahead of the 492 bp fragment. 3. The 123 bp �monomer� will stain noticeably brighter than the other bands. 6/00 Sigma brand products are
Opticap® XL Capsules and Opticap® XLT Capsules
Multilayer Durapore® KHGLA 60 126 3 Multimedia Durapore® KVSSA 30 123 3 KVSXA 30 123 3 KVSCA 30 123 3 KV19A 30 123 3 KV06A 30 123 3 KV03A 30 123 3 Millipore Express® SHC KHGEA 60 126 3 Millipore Express
Data Sheet - Millistak+® Pod depth filter system
Pod Filters Example Graph TOC Flush-up (Flow Rate 10 L/min) 6 Ordering Information Micro 20 Size 20C = 20 cm2 Connection L = Luer Fitting
Multidrug Resistance Direct Dye Efflux Assay
diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide) at 1 mg/ml in DMSO. 5. Rhodamine 123 Solution (Part No. 90300) - One vial containing 0.5 ml of rhodamine 123 at 1 mg/ml in DMSO. 6. Vinblastine Solution
Millistak+®Depth Filters
be steam sterilized for 3 steam-in-place cycles of 30 minutes at 123 °C Hot Water Sanitization May be hot water sanitized for 20 cycles using purified water at 80 °C for 30 minutes at a minimum
Product Information Sheet - N7160
Example: A340 = 0.55 Alcohol (mg/dl) = 0.55 × 223 = 123 Conversion Factors To convert mg/dl to % (w/v), divide mg/dl results by 1,000. Thus, 123 mg/dl is = 0.123% (w/v). To convert results to SI
Millipore Express®HPF Hydrophilic Filters
3 30 inch cartridge requires 20 L flush 10 Ordering Information OptiScale® Capsule Filters OptiScale® Capsule Filter Quantity per Package 6 = 6/pk May be Autoclaved
Millipore Express®PHF Hydrophilic Filters
autoclaved at 123 °C for 60 minutes. Opticap® XL 150 Capsule Filters with 0.2 µm Millipore Express® PHF Membrane 0 654321 0 0.2 1.6 1.81.0 1.2 1.40.4 0.80.6 gpm ps id 20 15 10
Millipore Express®SHR Hydrophilic Filters
25 20 15 10 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 TT HH TB TH Flow Rate (L/min) D iff er en ti al P re ss ur e (b
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
27 120 24 std 6 20 12 15 14 102 38 27 2605 14 60 23 31 30 124 25 19 11 15 16 107 38 29 2693 14 63 23 31 29 126 25 std
Data Sheet - N8911
Huppert, S.S., et al., Nature, 405, 966-970 (2000). 6. Milner, L.A., et al., Blood, 93, 243-248 (1999). 7. Lardelli, M., et al., Mech. Dev., 46, 123 (1994). 8. Joutel, A., and Tounier-Lasserve, E., Sem
Clarisolve® Depth Filters User Guide
in. (6 mm) Hose barb Pod Flat seal Operating Temperature Range µPod® 4 to 40 °C Lab Scale 4 to 37 °C Pod 4 to 25 °C Sterilization µPod® Autoclave for two cycles of 60 minutes at 123 °CLab
Product Information Sheet - P6024
ibid., (1983). pp. 6, 19-25. 16. ibid., (1983). p. 123. 17. ibid., (1983). pp. 234, 264, 274. 18. ibid., (1983). pp. 120-123. 19. ibid., (1983). pp. 19, 58, 107, 120, 436. 20. ibid., (1983). p.
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6041-102and A6041-202
sCD40L Control 1 800 - 1661 pg/mL IL-6 Control 1 24 - 50 pg/mL Control 2 4095 - 8505 pg/mL Control 2 128 - 267 pg/mL
501 1364 4117 BbvI 20 BccI 9 231 324 761 850 1157 1169 3176 3300 3587 Bce83I 6 456 626 2337 2635 2876 3744 BcefI 3 381 938 2748 BcgI 8 34 468 502 1823 1857 3644 3678 4134 BfaI 6 38 83
User Guide-RAB0533
Average % of Expected 117 118 115 Range (%) 109-125 110-126 107-123 1:4 Average % of Expected Range 107 115 122 Range (%) 99-115 107-123 114-130 4 RAB0533pis Rev 08/24
Millipore Express® Family Guide
and autoclaved at 123 °C for 60 minutes. Filter Sizing 54 Ordering Information OptiScale® Capsules OptiScale® Capsule Quantity per pkg. 3 = 3/pk (47 mm only) 6 = 6/pk (25 mm
Spare parts for Mobius® FlexReady Solution with Smart Flexware® Assemblies For Chromatography and TFF
LOCALE SECTION D-D 117 119 120 121 123 118 Includes TC gasket and set of o-rings for instrumentation 119 117 121 120 123 118 37 7. Instrumentation
Anti-alpha-Catenin (C2081)
Sci. USA, 91, 10759 (1994). 5. Tsukita S., et al., J. Cell Biol., 123, 1049 (1993). 6. Bradley, R., et al., J. Cell Biol., 123, 1857 (1994). 7. Hinck, L., et al., J. Cell Biol., 124, 729 (1994). 8.
Data Sheet - SRP5055
minute incubation, stop the reaction by spotting 20 µl of the reaction mixture onto an individually precut strip of phosphocellulose P81 paper. 6. Air dry the precut P81 strip and sequentially wash
Product Information Sheet - B8385
Antibiotics, XXX- supp., S121-123 (1977). 5. Umezawa, H., Recent Results Cancer Res., 75, 115-125 (1980). 6. Nishizawa, R. and Saio, T., J. Medicinal Chem., 20, 510 (1977). 7. Aoyagi, T. and
Hydrophilic Durapore® Cartridges and Capsules User Guide
KV0304---, KV0604---, Autoclave at 123 °C for 30 min 15 Capsules, Non-Sterile KV1904--- Opticap 4" Multimedia KVSC04---, KVSS04---, Autoclave at 123 °C for 30 min 20 Capsules, Non-Sterile KVSX04---
HANDLING: Maintain lyophilized material at -20°C for up to 6 months after date of receipt. After reconstitution maintain at -20°C in undiluted aliquots for up to 6 months. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles
Viresolve® NFP Filters
down in the autoclave for maximum drainage. 6. Autoclave the filters for up to 60 minutes at 123°C using a liquid cycle with slow exhaust. 6 Steam-in-Place (SIP)- Cartridge
Viresolve® Prefilter
Viresolve® Pro Device from 5 kg/m² to 13 kg/m2. 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 mA b 15 mA b 16 mA b 17 mA b 18 mA b 19 mA b 20 mA b 21 mA b 22 mA b 23 mA b
Anti-a-Catenin-Biotin antibody produced in rabbit (B6184)
, 10759-10761 (1994). 5. Tsukita S., et al., J. Cell Biol., 123, 1049-1053 (1993). 6. Bradley, R., et al., J. Cell Biol., 123, 1857-1865 (1993). 7. Hinck, L., et al., J. Cell Biol.
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