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Showing 1-30 of 247 results for "123-96-6" within Technical Documents
Multidrug Resistance Direct Dye Efflux Assay
diethyloxacarbocyanine iodide) at 1 mg/ml in DMSO. 5. Rhodamine 123 Solution (Part No. 90300) - One vial containing 0.5 ml of rhodamine 123 at 1 mg/ml in DMSO. 6. Vinblastine Solution
User Guide-RAB0533
kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human Clusterin Microplate - RAB0533A-1EA-KC: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated
User Guide-RAB0435
1:2 Average % of Expected 91 88 115 Range (%) 83-99 80-96 107-123 1:4 Average % of Expected Range 80 77 104 Range (%) 72-88 69-85 96-113 4 RAB0435pis Rev 08/24
a0644enz.doc SSAMIN02 Page 1 of 4 Revised: 02/19/96 SIGMA QUALITY CONTROL TEST PROCEDURE (Q]\PDWLF�$VVD\�RI� �$0,12/(98/,1$7(�'(+6( (EC PRINCIPLE: �� �Aminolevulinic Acid
Data Sheet - N8911
Huppert, S.S., et al., Nature, 405, 966-970 (2000). 6. Milner, L.A., et al., Blood, 93, 243-248 (1999). 7. Lardelli, M., et al., Mech. Dev., 46, 123 (1994). 8. Joutel, A., and Tounier-Lasserve, E., Sem
d-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase from bovine liver (A0442)
Enzyme Assay SSAMIN02 Page 1 of 4 Revised: 02/19/96 SIGMA QUALITY CONTROL TEST PROCEDURE (Q]\PDWLF�$VVD\�RI� �$0,12/(98/,1$7(�'(+6( (EC PRINCIPLE: �� �Aminolevulinic Acid
Using Concentrator plus* in a Sequencing Laboratory
vials (24 mm Ø x 86-90 mm in length) 5490 039.009 022822187 Rotor F-35-6-30, for 6 Falcons of up to 50 mL (29.5 mm ø x 116-123 mm in length) 5490 047.001 022822231 Ordering Information Rotors
Quality Control Range Sheet- A6042-105 and A6042-205
Control 1 24 – 50 pg/mL Control 2 2601 – 5403 pg/mL Control 2 123 – 255 pg/mL IFN-γ Control 1 27 – 56 pg/mL
Product Information Sheet - P1253
kDa2 CAS Number: 9008-96-2 Phosphovitin is a phosphoglycoprotein and represents the major protein component of egg yolk. It contains 6.5% carbohydrate which consists of 6 hexose residues, 5 glucosamine
Data Sheet - S9446
397–407 (2003). 2. Olivera, A., and Spiegel, S., Prostaglandins, 64, 123–134 (2001). 3. Baumruker, T., et al. Immunol. Lett., 96, 175-185 (2005). 4. Liu, H., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 275, 19513–19520
Product Information Sheet - C9394
ProductInformation NH H N NH H N H N Cl (CH2)6 NH H N NH H N H N Cl 2 (C6H12O7) C9394 Page 2
Verfication summary-03-0202-00
34.76 4.3 12% 139.04 17.4 12% - 3 1:8 14.78 0.9 6% 118.22 7.3 6% 85% 3 1:16 7.38 0.7 10% 118.06 11.5 10% 85% 3 1:32 4.15 0.4 10% 132.84 13.6 10% 96% HMN686705 3
Verfication summary-03-0202-00
34.76 4.3 12% 139.04 17.4 12% - 3 1:8 14.78 0.9 6% 118.22 7.3 6% 85% 3 1:16 7.38 0.7 10% 118.06 11.5 10% 85% 3 1:32 4.15 0.4 10% 132.84 13.6 10% 96% HMN686705 3
User Guide-RAB0296
as follows: Sample Type Average % Recovery Range (%) Serum 108 96-115 Plasma 90 80-103 Cell Culture Supernatants 108 93-123 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants
Data Sheet - S7321
397–407 (2003). 2. Olivera, A., and Spiegel, S., Prostaglandins, 64, 123–134 (2001). 3. Baumruker, T., et al., Immunol. Lett., 96, 175-185 (2005). 4. Liu, H., et al., J. Biol. Chem., 275, 19513–19520
User Guide-RAB0429
116 107-124 Plasma 87 70-123 Cell Culture Supernatants 89 81-96 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 105 112 123 Range (%) 93-113 107-119
Product Information Sheet - D9035
Pharmacol., 123(5), 781-788 (1998). 5. D'hahan, N., et al., Pharmacological plasticity of cardiac ATP-sensitive potassium channels toward diazoxide revealed by ADP. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 96, 12162
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
43 26 78 13 38 21 37 30 117 19 18 9 1409 12 112 41 24 86 10 36 23 36 27 119 21 std 6 18 9 7273 15 123 41 25 87 13 40
MultiScreen Filter Plates with Ultracel®-10 Membrane
30 38 44 BSA 125 128 122 136 115 126 124 120 Buffer 132 142 176 140 136 138 131 123 Cyto c 122 131 124 119 118 123 124 117 FBS 79 70 57 43 42 54 67 72 Human
User Guide-RAB1181
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human LBP Microplate - RAB1181A-1EA-KC: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
User Guide-RAB0585
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Equine IL-4 Microplate - RAB0585A-1EA-KC: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
User Guide-RAB0654
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human EPO Microplate - RAB0654A-1EA-KC: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
Data Sheet - P2980
184 (1986). 6. Yajima, M. et al., J. Biochem., 83, 305 (1978). 7. Befus A. et al., J. Immunol., 1999 163, 47-53 (1999). 8. Di Pierro, F. et al., J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods, 37, 91-96 (1997). 9
User Guide-RAB1363
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human CHI3L2 Microplate - RAB1363A-1EA: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
User Guide-RAB0548
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human MBL Microplate - RAB0548A-1EA-KC: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
Data Sheet - P7208
1986). 6. Yajima, M. et al., J. Biochem., 83, 305 (1978). 7. Befus A. et al., J. Immunol., 1999 163, 47-53 (1999). 8. Di Pierro, F. et al., J. Pharmacol. Toxicol. Methods, 37
User Guide-RAB0268
. The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human IL-18 R beta Microplate - : 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with anti-Human
Data Sheet - E2278
., Molecular cloning and characterization of the human E-cadherin cDNA. Mol. Biol. Rep., 17, 123-128 (1993). 2. Steinberg, M., McNutt, P. M., Cadherins and their connections: adhesion junctions
User Guide-RAB0052
The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C. Components Human MIP-3 beta Microplate - RAB0052A-EA: 96 wells (12 strips x 8 wells) coated with
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