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Showing 1-30 of 131 results for "203-500-9" within Technical Documents
Quality Control Ranges: MILLIPLEX® MAP Mouse Cytokine/Chemokine Panel
Control 1 107 - 222 pg/mL Control 2 516 - 1072 pg/mL Control 2 500 - 1039 pg/mL Control 2 523 - 1085 pg/mL IFN Control 1 98 - 203 pg/mL
Data Sheet - N1040
350 400 450 500 550 Wavelength (nm) A bs or pt io n Blank Zn2+ K+ Ca2+ Fe2+ Na+ Mn2+ Fe3+ Final concentration of the product is 0.1 mM in
Monitoring Airborne Microorganisms During Food and Beverage Processing
Flow Air Sampler (Biotest Diagnostics, Denville, NJ) –Slit to Agar Biological Air Sampler, STA 203 (New Brunswick Scientific Co., Edison, NJ) • Air Current Tubes (Drager, Sicherheitstechnik, Germany
Product Information Sheet - S0395
(Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, 1986), p. 37. 8. Clinica Chimica Acta, 203, 109-188 (1991). 9. The Sigma-Aldrich Handbook of Stains, Dyes & Indicators, Green, F.J., Ed., Aldrich Chemical
Data Sheet - T5411 - Lot 060K88021
Temperature 250°C, Split Detector Hewlett-Packard 5971 Mass Selective Detector (70 eV, 40-500 m/z) T 5411/60K88021/9/20/2002 Wavelength (nm) 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 1.0 0.9 0.8
MultiScreen Solubility Filter Plate: 96-well filter plate designed and optimized for aqueous solubility assays
9878 0788 AUSTRIA Tel. 0820 87 44 64 Fax 0820 87 44 44 BALTIC COUNTRIES Tel. +358 203 05 645 Fax +358 203 05 644 BELGIUM Tel. 070 225 645 Fax 070 225 644 BRAZIL Tel. (011) 5548-7011 Fax (
Quality Control Ranges - Milliplex Mouse Cytokine/Chemokine Magnetic Panel
Control 2 450 - 934 pg/mL Control 2 583 - 1210 pg/mL IL-1 Control 1 98 - 203 pg/mL
Hafnium (IV) oxide Patinal Technical Data
400 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength [nm] Fig 2: Transmission, reflection and absorption spectrum of Hafnium oxide film Hafnium(IV) oxide Patinal®
Data Sheet - S7901
, K., et al., EMBO J., 9, 3287 (1990). 3. Williams, D.E., et al., Cell, 63, 167 (1990). 4. Broxmeyer, H.E., et al., Blood, 77, 2142 (1991). 5. Martin, F.H., et al., Cell, 63, 203 (1990). 6. Bennett, D.
Australia +61 3 9839 2000 11/01/07/HTS108M/ML -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 10ug 20ug WT, 10ug [GR55562] Log M [3 H
951) 676-9209 Australia +61 3 9839 2000 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 0 250 500 750 1000 5-HT5A WT [5-CT], LogM [3 H ]- 5-
Data Sheet - 91471
= molar extinction coefficient of the protein at 280 nm [cm -1 M -1 ]. IgG usually have ε of 203 000. 222 000 = molar extinction coefficient (εdye) of the Tracy 645 dye at 638 nm [cm -1
Just How Low-a-Level of ADA can you Detect?
AstraZeneca PLC, 1 Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0AA, UK, T: +44(0)203 749 5000, 16
MultiScreen Methods: Efficient Low-Energy Radioisotope Detection in Vial-based Liquid Scintillation Counting Using the MultiScreen Assay System
times. Samples with 500 µL of water added and similar mixing produced triple the cpm. Adding the 500 µL 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
MultiScreen Solvinert and MultiScreen Deep Well Solvinert Filter Plates; 96-well chemically compatible sample prep platforms
9878 0788 AUSTRIA Tel. 0820 87 44 64 Fax 0820 87 44 44 BALTIC COUNTRIES Tel. +358 203 05 645 Fax +358 203 05 644 BELGIUM Tel. 070 225 645 Fax 070 225 644 BRAZIL Tel. (011) 5548-7011 Fax (
Product Information Sheet-roamyc
June 2021 Mouse monoclonal antibody (clone 9E10) Cat. No. 11 667 149 001 200 μg Cat. No. 11 667 203 001 5 mg 1 ml Store the product at −15 to −25°C.
Data Sheet - F3178
Biophys. Res. Commun., 274, 337 (2000). 6. Nishimura, T., et al., Biochem. Biophys. Acta., 1492 203 (2000). 7. Bernard, O., and Matthew, P., Guidebook to Cytokines and Their Receptors, (Oxford Press
Product Information Sheet - RAB0011
blot. ELISA Western blot References 1. Hajduch, E. et al., FEBS Lett., 492, 199-203 (2001). 2. Burgering, B.M., and Coffer, P.J., Nature, 376, 599- 602 (1995).
Data Sheet - S2931
Nocka, K., et al., EMBO J., 9, 3287 (1990). 3. Williams, D., et al., Cell, 63, 167 (1990). 4. Broxmeyer, H., et al., Blood, 77, 2142 (1991). 5. Martin, F., et al., Cell, 63, 203 (1990). 6. Bennett, D., J.
Product Information Sheet - P5568
Brdiczyka, D., and Krebs, W., Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 297(2), 203-212 (1973). 14. Short, B.G. et al., J. Histochem. Cytochem., 45(9), 1299-1305 (1997). 15. Angerer, L.M. et al., Methods Enzymol
FlowCellect™ Multi-Color DNA Damage Response Kit
the ATM signaling pathway to induce p53 and Chk2 phosphorylation and apoptosis. Mol. Cancer Res. 2, 203–214 (2004). 5. Michaelis, C., et al. Cohesins: Chromosomal proteins that prevent premature separation
146023 Mannitol Salt Agar - LI
Chapman, G.H. (1945): The significance of sodium chloride in studies of Staphylococci. J. Bact. 50: 201-203. EN ISO 6888-2 (1999) + A1 (2003): Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal
Product Information Sheet - RAB0012
3.0 NIH3T3 NIH3T3+PDGF References 1. Hajduch, E. et al., FEBS Lett, 492, 199-203 (2001). 2. Burgering, B.M., and Coffer, P.J., Nature, 376, 599- 602 (1995). 3. Franke, T.F.
Product Information Sheet - ROAMYC
mg (lyophilized) 200 m m Cat. No. 11 667 203 001 Cat. No. 11 667 203 001 5 mg (1 ml
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
244 265 266 267 268 3.2 197 198 199 200 221 222 223 224 245 246 247 248 269 270 271 272 3.3 201 202 203 204 225 226 227 228 249 250 251 252 273 274 275 276 3.4 205 206 207
receptor for SDF-1 and I-TAC involved in cell survival, cell adhesion, and tumor development. JEM 203: 2201-2213 Important Note: During shipment, small volumes of product will occasionally
Product Information Sheet - C2978
hospitalisation and a novel MRI-based diagnostic tool". University of Birmingham, Ph D. dissertation, p. 203 (2016). 14. Chalari, Eleanna, "The effect of high-intensity intermittent exercise on biomarkers
Data Sheet: NovaSeptum® GO Sterile Sampling System
Sampling Unit 3 E5SU871-80250 500 5 Single Sampling Unit 2 E5SU871-80500 NovaSeptum® GO AV Accurate Volume Sampling Unit 20 9 Single Sampling Unit 2 E9SU461-90020 5 9 Single Sampling Unit 3 E9SU461
Antibiotics and Antimycotics
culture of low numbers of Medicago and Nicotiana protoplasts using calcium alginate beads Plant Sci. 58, 203- 210 (1988) S: 22-24/25 i-Carrageenan 1 g 25 g C 3799 F (Irish moss; Gelatin, vegetable
Product Information Sheet - 11209183001
Kessler, C. & Höltke, H.-J. (1986) Gene 47, 1–153. 3 van Heuverswyn, H. & Fiers, W. (1980) Gene 9, 195-203. 4 Rebase The Restriction Enzyme Database: 5 Benchmate:
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