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Showing 1-16 of 16 results for "204-881-4" within Technical Documents
TB429 pET-51b(+) Vector Map
BtsI 4 1455 1823 4145 4165 ClaI 1 367 DraI 3 3986 4678 4697 Enzyme # Sites Locations DraIII 1 4976 DrdI 3 2647 3062 4931 EaeI 5 172 398 530 1764 4171 EagI 1 172 EarI 3 708 2838 3765 EciI 4 881 3016
Attachment and Matrix Factors - V0132
Wight, T. N., et al. (1985). J. Histochem. Cytochem., 33: 295. 47. Huang, D. (1974). J. Cell Biol. 62, 881-886. 48. Iozzo, R.V. et al. (1989). J. Cell. Biochem. 39, 355-378. 49. Kim, J.J. and H.E. Conrad (1980
Attachment and Matrix Factors - V8379
Wight, T. N., et al. (1985). J. Histochem. Cytochem., 33: 295. 47. Huang, D. (1974). J. Cell Biol. 62, 881-886. 48. Iozzo, R.V. et al. (1989). J. Cell. Biochem. 39, 355-378. 49. Kim, J.J. and H.E. Conrad (1980
Attachment and Matrix Factors - V9881
Wight, T. N., et al. (1985). J. Histochem. Cytochem., 33: 295. 47. Huang, D. (1974). J. Cell Biol. 62, 881-886. 48. Iozzo, R.V. et al. (1989). J. Cell. Biochem. 39, 355-378. 49. Kim, J.J. and H.E. Conrad (1980
Product Information Sheet - F3651
Harbor Laboratory, 1988). 4. Bridges, C.D. and Fong, S.L., Methods Enzymol., 81, 65-77 (1982). 5. The, T.H., and Feltkamp, T.E.W., Immunology, 18, 865-873 and 875-881 (1970). 6. Goding, J.W.
Product Information Sheet - F7250
Harbor Laboratory, 1988). 4. Bridges, C.D. and Fong, S.L., Methods Enzymol., 81, 65-77 (1982). 5. The, T.H., and Feltkamp, T.E.W., Immunology, 18, 865-873 and 875-881 (1970). 6. Goding, J.W.
Product Information Sheet - F4002
Harbor Laboratory, 1988). 4. Bridges, C.D. and Fong, S.L., Methods Enzymol., 81, 65-77 (1982). 5. The, T.H., and Feltkamp, T.E.W., Immunology, 18, 865-873 and 875-881 (1970). 6. Goding, J.W.
Product Information Sheet - F4274
Harbor Laboratory, 1988). 4. Bridges, C.D. and Fong, S.L., Methods Enzymol., 81, 65-77 (1982). 5. The, T.H., and Feltkamp, T.E.W., Immunology, 18, 865-873 and 875-881 (1970). 6. Goding, J.W.
Product Information - CSAA1
n/d n/d 221 Pyk2 Phospho (pY 580) P6739 Signal Transduction P y n/d y 222 Pyk2 Phospho (pY 881) P6864 Signal Transduction P y n/d y 223 RAF1 R5773 Signal Transduction P y n/d y
PKH Dye Reference Guide
. Cytometry Supp 1988; 2: 4-4. (Abstract) 203. Horan P, Breslin E, Slezak S: In-Vivo Red Cell and Platelet Tracking. Cytometry Supp 1988; 2: 12-12. (Abstract) 204. Horan P, Slezak S, Jensen
Inhibitor Sourcebook 3rd Edition
............................71, 204 InhibitorSelect™ FGF Signaling Pathway Inhibitor Panel......................................................................... 204 InhibitorSelect™ IGF Signaling Pathway
XP725 Worksheet for Lot Number 071M4826
MBD1 M6569 875 5 3 2 3 MBD2a M7568 876 5 3 2 4 MBD2a M7568 877 5 3 2 5 MBD2ab M7318 878 5 3 2 6 MBD2ab M7318 879 5 3 2 7 MBD4 M9817 880 5 3 2 8 MBD4 M9817 881 5 3
Halal Certificate
that time. Page 76 of 99 Product Name Product Code Halal-ID Product Certificate # 881. METHYL CINNAMATE NATURAL, 98%, FCC, FG W269816 A97610 HC-24SI2X31 882. METHYL CYCLOHEXADIENE MIXTURE
Halal Certificate
that time. Page 76 of 99 Product Name Product Code Halal-ID Product Certificate # 881. METHYL CINNAMATE NATURAL, 98%, FCC, FG W269816 A97610 HC-22SITY29 882. METHYL CYCLOHEXADIENE MIXTURE
MAPK: Antibodies, Proteins, Kits, siRNA and Reagents
14-497 PKCι Antibody Anti-phospho-PKCι (Thr555)/PKCλ (Thr563) H M WB APur Rb IgG 100 µL 07-881 PKC ι, active KA 10 µg 14-505 PKCμ Antibody Anti-phospho-PKCµ/PKD (Ser742) H M WB APur
Cytoskeletal Signaling Antibodies, Reagents and Kits
PKCι Polyclonal Antibody anti-phospho-PKCι (Thr555)/PKCλ (Thr563) H M WB APur Rb IgG 100 µL 07-881 Protein PKCι, active KA 10 µg 14-505 PKCµ Polyclonal Antibody Anti-phospho-PKCµ/PKD