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Showing 1-5 of 5 results for "3017-71-8" within Technical Documents
Periodic Table of the Elements - Certipur ICP multi-element standards according to USP <232> - EMD
.41 321.07 767 1.46Cd 2 [Kr] 4d105s2 57–71 Lanthanoide Lanthanides 72 178.49 2233 4603 1.23Hf 4 [Xe] 4f145d26s2 73 180.95 3017 5458 1.33Ta 5 [Xe] 4f145d36s2 74 183.84
Periodic table A4
767 1.46 Cd 2 [Kr] 4d105s2 57–71 Lanthanides Lanthanoide 72 178.49 2233 4603 1.23 Hf 4 [Xe] 4f145d26s2 73 180.95 3017 5455 1.33 Ta 5 [Xe] 4f145d36s2
Periodic table Poster
.41 321.07 767 1.46Cd 2 [Kr] 4d105s2 57–71 Lanthanides Lantánidos 72 178.49 2233 4603 1.23Hf 4 [Xe] 4f145d26s2 73 180.95 3017 5455 1.33Ta 5 [Xe] 4f145d36s2 74 183.84 3422
TB280 pTriEx™-1.1 Vector Map
37 MslI 6 950 2056 2757 4704 4863 5222 MspI 22 MspA1I 6 655 1964 2425 4059 4304 5087 MunI 2 3017 3362 MwoI 27 NciI 10 1789 1922 2194 2206 2344 2345 2459 4097 4635 4986 NcoI 1 2331 NdeI 4
Perfection in every dimension 2014. Inorganic reagents Catalogue
56 137.33 727 1897 0.97Ba 2 [Xe] 6s2 57–71 Lanthanides 72 178.49 2233 4603 1.23Hf 4 [Xe] 4f145d26s2 73 180.95 3017 5458 1.33Ta 5 [Xe] 4f145d36s2 74 183.84 3422