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Quality Control Range Sheet- TH17-113 and TH17-213
2642 pg/mL
GMCSF Control 1 0.58 – 1.2 ng/mL IL-21 Control 1 45 – 94 pg/mL
Control 2 6.9 – 14 ng/mL Control
TB017VM pT7Blue Vector Map
Hin4I 3 97 1583 1657
HincII 1 65
HindIII 1 45
HinfI 9 30 66 435 457 1659
2176 2572 2647 2712
HphI 6 509 931 966 1172 1588
KpnI 1 112
MaeII 9 144 293 452 464 507
617 1056 1429
Product Information Sheet - G7641
Biochem., 36,
9169-9178 (1997).
14. Svennerholm in Methods in Carbohydrate
Chemistry, Vol. VI, 464 (1970).
15. Thin Layer Chromatography: A
LaboratoryHandbook, 2nd ed., Stahl, E., ed.,
Product Information Sheet - G4526
Biochem., 36,
9169-9178 (1997).
14. Svennerholm in Methods in Carbohydrate
Chemistry, Vol. VI, 464 (1970).
15. Thin Layer Chromatography: A
LaboratoryHandbook, 2nd ed., Stahl, E., ed.,
Data Sheet - G9652
Biochem., 36,
9169-9178 (1997).
14. Svennerholm in Methods in Carbohydrate
Chemistry, Vol. VI, 464 (1970).
15. Thin Layer Chromatography: A
LaboratoryHandbook, 2nd ed., Stahl, E., ed.,
Preventative Maintenance Service Plans
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Tel. 0820 874 464
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Product Information Sheet - E7637
., Anal. Biochem., 67,
384 (1975).
17. Karsten, U. and Wollenberger, A., Anal. Biochem.,
77, 464 (1977).
18. Scaria, P.V. and Shafer, R.H., J. Biol. Chem., 266,
5417-5423 (1991).
19. Technique:
Product Information Sheet - E1385
., Anal. Biochem., 67,
384 (1975).
17. Karsten, U. and Wollenberger, A., Anal. Biochem.,
77, 464 (1977).
18. Scaria, P.V. and Shafer, R.H., J. Biol. Chem., 266,
5417-5423 (1991).
19. Technique:
Application Notes SeQuant®ZIC®-cHILIC Application Examples
Tryptophan (9 mg), Tyrosine (104.4 mg), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (97.5 mg) diluted in 100
mL diluent + 1 mL ortophosporic acid
XP725 Antibody Number-Lot Number 071M4826
77 78 79 80
1.3 9 10 11 12 33 34 35 36 57 58 59 60 81 82 83 84
1.4 13 14 15 16 37 38 39 40 61 62 63 64 85 86 87 88
1.5 17 18 19 20
Dilution Final Conc.
Final Volume
DMEM. High Glucose D1145-500ML 1 x 464
FBS ES-009-B 5% 25
Dexamethasone D4902-25MG 2mM 2,000x 1 µM
Product Information Sheet - F4375
et al., Cell. Immunol., 51, 238
14. Johansson, G. and Loelsson, M.J., J. Chromat.,
464, 49 (1989).
15. Albertson, P. A. and Birkenmeier, G., Anal.
Biochem., 175, 154 (1988).
Product Information Sheet - SV0100
et al., Neurotransmitter Transporters in
the Central Nervous System. Pharmacol. Reviews,
51, 439-464 (1999).
4. Ozkan, E.D., and Ueda, T., Glutamate transport
and storage in synaptic vesicles. Jpn
Product Information Sheet - F4375
. et al., Cell. Immunol.,
51, 238 (1980).
14. Johansson, G. and Loelsson, M.J., J.
Chromat., 464, 49 (1989).
15. Albertson, P. A. and Birkenmeier, G.,
Anal. Biochem., 175, 154 (1988).
Product Information Sheet - 11464752001
amino groups with alkaline phosphatase
from calf intestine lyophilizate from 0.5 ml
Cat. No. 11 464 752 001 10 mg y Version 06
Content version: May 2019
Store at �2 to �8°C
Specific Activity 800
Phosphotyrosine HTRF® Assay
Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
FGFR4 (h) 14-583 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
FGFR3 (h) 14-464 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
Flt1 (h) 14-562 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
Flt3 (h) 14
Phosphotyrosine HTRF® Assay
Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
FGFR4 (h) 14-583 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
FGFR3 (h) 14-464 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
Flt1 (h) 14-562 Biotin-TK2 5mM MgCl2, 1mM MnCl2
Flt3 (h) 14
Ionic Liquids Product Brochure
M: 230.78 g/mol
mp: - 55°C
490059 for synthesis MMIM MSU
CAS-No.: 97345-90-9
M: 208.24 g/mol
mp: 45°C
1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride
3-Methyl-1-octylimidazolium chloride
Balancing Histone/Protein Acetylation-Gene Regulation and Cancer Therapy
59. Davie, J.R., J. Nutr., 133, 2485S-2493S (2003).
60. Riggs, M.G., et al., Nature, 268, 462-464 (1977).
61. Lau, O.D., et al., Mol. Cell, 5, 589-595 (2000).
62. Cebrat, M., et al., Bioorg. Med
Calbiochem Biologics 29.2
1,-8, and -9, respectively) that can cross the blood-brain
barrier. Protects neurotoxin-insulted neurons from
apoptotic death. Purity: ≥95% by HPLC.
Cat. No. 551475 1 mg
$ 464
$ 345
$ 285
Improving the Bioavailability of Challenging APIs using Hot Melt Extrusion with Polyvinyl Alcohol
oral formulations approaches – a PEARRL review.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2019. 71(4): 464–482.
4 Price DJ., et al., Approaches to increase mechanistic
understanding and aid in the selection
Protocol- EZRMCP2-21K
552 464 < 10% < 10%
Serum samples from rats and mice are used for measurement of C-peptide 2 by
Brochure: Chromolith® Monolithic Silica HPLC Columns for small and large molecule separation
A: Water (0.1% (v/v) TFA)
B: Acetonitrile (0.08% (v/v) TFA)
Gradient: 0 min 20% B
1 min 20% B
9 min 45% B
Detection: UV, 220 nm
Temperature: 80 °C
Injection volume: 1.0 µL
Flow rate: 380
Complete solutions for complete confidence - Sterility Testing
Maximum Temperature 45 °C 45 °C 45 °C
Maximum Operating Pressure 3.15 bars at 25 °C (45 psi at 77 °F) 3.15 bars at 25 °C (45 psi at 77
Steritest™ Symbio Pumps User Guide
feet in a
laminar flow
Width 645 mm (25.4 in.)
Depth 355 mm (14.0 in.)
Height 464 mm (18.3 in.)
Pump head
189 mm (7.4 in.)
On feet
User Guide -Symbio Pumps
feet in a
laminar flow
Width 645 mm (25.4 in.)
Depth 355 mm (14.0 in.)
Height 464 mm (18.3 in.)
Pump head
189 mm (7.4 in.)
On feet
Chrombook 2015 - The world of chromatography in your hands
6 7
Purospher® STAR UHPLC columns for ultra fast HPLC
High resolution separation of 9 Alkylphenones
Mobile phase A: Water
B: Acetonitrile
Gradient 0 min 45 % B
15 min 45 – 95 % B
Acta Interactive Archive Vol 51
; R2 = H, Me; R3 = H, MeO, F
M = 9-BBN = 9-borabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane
12 examples, 45–83%
ee = 51–97%
R1 X +
(7.5–15 mol %)
L2 (9–17 mol %)
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Greenfield, P. T.; Calafat, N. J.; Gounley, J. P.; Ta, A. H.; et
al. Science 2019, 364 (6439), 458–464.
(14) Levato, R.; Lim, K. S.; Li, W.; Asua, A. U.; Peña, L. B.; Wang, M.;
Falandt, M.; Bernal
3D BIOPRINTING: Printing a Brighter Future
Greenfield, P. T.; Calafat, N. J.; Gounley, J. P.; Ta, A. H.; et
al. Science 2019, 364 (6439), 458–464.
(14) Levato, R.; Lim, K. S.; Li, W.; Asua, A. U.; Peña, L. B.; Wang, M.;
Falandt, M.; Bernal
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