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Showing 1-30 of 244 results for "84-79-7" within Technical Documents
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
104 96 96 70 99 87 PKCα 79 98 86 95 95 92 99 93 89 92 100 91 70 99 98 97 3 4 7 PDK1 104 115 92 36 70 99 85 86 89 87 88
The Effective Use of Protein Kinase Inhibitors
104 96 96 70 99 87 PKCα 79 98 86 95 95 92 99 93 89 92 100 91 70 99 98 97 3 4 7 PDK1 104 115 92 36 70 99 85 86 89 87 88
SMC®Plate Washer Evaluation Kit
52 62 79 50 21 42 E 55 6 46 13 33 34 38 7 40 47 53 70 37 20 54 F 59 14 49 34 25 18 1 2 61 55 61 72 38 25 67
Data Sheet - P6862
80-81 kDa P 1787 (beta I - βI) 76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa P 3287 (beta II - βII) 76.9 kDa 80 kDa P 9542 (gamma - γ) 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa P 8538 (delta - δ) 77.5 kDa 74-79 kDa P 1164 (epsilon - ε)
Data Sheet - P8538
Conventional Yes Yes 76.8 79–80 alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 80 alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 77–84 alpha pseudosubstrate
Data Sheet - P9542
Conventional Yes Yes 76.8 79–80 alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 80 alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 77–84 alpha pseudosubstrate
Data Sheet - P1782
76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha
Testing Lab & Industrial Flyer
salt indicator grade, Dye content 90 % 62758-12-7 Analytical, Indicator 44670 Fast Blue BB Salt hemi(zinc chloride) salt for microscopy (Hist.) 5486-84-0 Analytical 429627 Formaldehyde-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone
Data Sheet - P0540
76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha
Data Sheet - P1787
Yes 76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate
MILLIPLEX®MAP Human Myokine Panel is an optimized quantitative immunoassay that simultaneously measures 15 novel muscle-secreted factors
Irisin FSTL1 OSM IL-6 FGF21 Musclin 1:4 dil 64 79 139 94 110 89 67 99 79 114 1:8 dil 49 54 150 98 111 86 79 89 66 124 1:16 dil 93 79 120 118 89
User Guide-RAB1184
Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 75 79 79 Range (%) 72-78 69-99 73-84 1:4 Average % of Expected Range 75 85 79 Range (%) 71-80 70-110 74-84 4 RAB1184pis Rev 08/24
User Guide-RAB0751
Plasma 79 73-94 Cell Culture Supernatants 84 74-94 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 83 97 92 Range (%) 75-91 89-103 84-100 1:4
Data Sheet - P1164
76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha
Data Sheet - P3287
76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha
Data Sheet - P0194
76.8 kDa 79-80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 beta II Conventional Yes Yes 76.9 kDa 80 kDa alpha pseudosubstrate peptide, Histone H3 gamma Conventional Yes Yes 78.4 kDa 77-84 kDa alpha
Product Information Sheet - N1891
World Health Organ., 53(1), 55-65 (1976). 2. Jones, J.V. et al., J. Immunol. Methods, 118(1), 79- 84 (1989). 3. Bahouth, S.W., “Development of Antibodies to Adrenergic Receptors”, in Methods in
Integritest® 5 OPC-UA Automation User Guide
fluid. See Also Test Type Codes Common Data Results Monitor Test Controller 99 84 79 47 Integritest® 5 OPC-UA Automation User Guide 89
Product Information Sheet - O3125
Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopeia, 28th ed., pp. 545. 6. Whittam. R., Biochem. J., 84: 110-118 (1962). 7. Wheeler, K.P. and Whittam, R., Biochem. J., 85: 495-507 (1962). 8. Swann, A.C. et al
Product Information Sheet - O5754
Martindale: The Extra Pharmacopeia, 28th ed., pp. 545. 6. Whittam. R., Biochem. J., 84: 110-118 (1962). 7. Wheeler, K.P. and Whittam, R., Biochem. J., 85: 495-507 (1962). 8. Swann, A.C. et al
Proteoglycans (A1960)
-111, (1994). 78. Roughley P.J., Melching L.I. and Recklies A.D., Matrix. Biol., 14, 51-59, (1994). 79. Vogel K.G., Paulsson M. and Heinegard D., Biochem J., 223, 587-597, (1984). 80. Winnemoller M., Schmidt
-111, (1994). 78. Roughley P.J., Melching L.I. and Recklies A.D., Matrix. Biol., 14, 51-59, (1994). 79. Vogel K.G., Paulsson M. and Heinegard D., Biochem J., 223, 587-597, (1984). 80. Winnemoller M., Schmidt
Monitoring low dose API blend uniformity with Parteck® M
75 69 Figure 4a. Regression of calibration samples (Primary method vs NIR data). 69 74 79 84 89 9994 104 109 114 119 124 129 134 1.0 1.5 0.5 0.0 -0.5
In Solution! Product Flyer
activation (IC50 = 11 nM in Jurkat cells) and LPs-induced tNF-α production (IC50 = 7 nM in murine splenocytes). 1 mg 79 Inhibitors of Proteases Product Cat. No. Conc. Provided Comments size Price
Data Sheet - P7998
Methods Enzymol., 70(A), 419-439 (1980). 2. Jones, J.V. et al., J. Immunol. Methods, 118(1), 79- 84 (1989). 3. Wittwer, A.J. et al., Biochemistry, 46(21), 6393- 6401 (2007). 4. Tortorella, M.
Quality Control Range Sheet- HST-111 and HST-211
/mL TNFα Control 1 16 – 33 pg/mL Control 2 79 – 164 pg/mL Control 2 80 – 166 pg/mL IL-2 Control 1
Quality Control Ranges: Milliplex Human High Sensitivity T Cell Magnetic Bead Panel
339 pg/mL IL-1β Control 1 16 – 33 pg/mL TNFα Control 1 14 – 29 pg/mL Control 2 79 – 164 pg/mL Control
Spare parts for Mobius®Bioreactors (50 L, 200 L, 1000 L & 2000 L)
5 76 50 97 96 87 94 95 76 2 84 78 79 51 3 80 82 4 8 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
User Guide-RAB1699
Cell Culture Supernatants 79 71-92 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 88 104 84 Range (%) 85-92 94-124 79-89 1:4 Average % of Expected
User Guide-RAB0522
Serum 84 72-96 Plasma 90 70-100 Cell Culture Supernatants 109 92-131 Linearity Sample Type Serum Plasma Cell Culture Supernatants 1:2 Average % of Expected 87 117 107 Range (%) 79-96 70
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