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Showing 1-7 of 7 results for "NXF50MM" within Site Content
Robust, load independent viral clearance in monoclonal antibody purification with Natrix® Q chromatography membrane
Membrane adsorbers are a cost-effective, robust, single-use solution for monoclonal antibody polishing
Chromatographic Purification of Plasmid DNA (pDNA) for mRNA, Plasmid-based DNA Vaccines, and Viral Vector Applications
See case study examples of how to optimize chromatographic purification of plasmid DNA for Biopharmaceutical Applications.
Egg-based and Cell-based Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing Methods
Influenza vaccines are commonly made using egg-based and cell-based manufacturing strategies. Find step-by-step information on the manufacturing process for each method.
Cost Modeling Vaccine Manufacturing: Estimate Production Costs for mRNA and other Vaccine Modalities
A custom-designed cost model is used to explore the economics of vaccine manufacturing across several different modalities including mRNA. The model enables greater process understanding, simulates bottlenecks, and helps to optimize production efficiency.
Developing and Manufacturing Attenuated Viral Vaccines
Learn more one the attenuated viral vaccines manufacturing process: cell culture, clarification, nuclease treatment, chromatography, and sterile filtration.
Virus-like Particle (VLP) Vaccine Bioprocessing and Formulation Steps
This technical article breaks down the steps of upstream and downstream bioprocessing and formulation of virus-like particle vaccines.
Plasmid DNA Purification Process
Free eBook outlines plasmid DNA manufacturing process and downstream purification challenges for various applications.