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Genomic DNA Purification from Sample on FTA Elute
This page shows genomic DNA purification from sample on FTA elute from Cytiva.
Instructions for EasiCollect™
This document shows intructions for EasiCollect™ device from Cytiva.
Reliable DNA extraction from Whatman™ FTA cards
This study examined the yield and quality of DNA from samples applied to Whatman FTA cards, using five common methods of DNA extraction.
Biological Sample Collection, Transport, Archiving, and Purification for Nucleic Acid Analysis
A number of options are available for sample collection, transport, archiving, and DNA purification.
Genomic DNA Preparation Troubleshooting
Description of common problems that can occur during genomic DNA preparation
RNA Isolation from Blood, Cultured Cells, and Animal or Plant Tissue on Whatman™ FTA™ Cards
This article describes the evaluation of Whatman FTA cards from Cytiva for their ability to collect, store, and isolate high-quality RNA from a variety of crude biological samples.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Basics
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a technique that results in exponential amplification of a target DNA sequence.
Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Methodology
Spectrophotometry can be used to estimate DNA or RNA concentration and to analyze the purity of the preparation.