- Application Note: FLASH® RT Allergen Indicator Total Protein Test
FLASH® RT is designed for use at room temperature and can detect as little as 20 µg of total protein within 10 minutes.
- Flyer: FLASH® Allergen Indicator Protein (AIP) Test for “Big 9”
FLASH® AIP Test, a rapid and reliable protein indicator test that can detect allergenic proteins from “Big 9” including sesame
- Application Note: ATP Testing Comparison on Disinfectants
The impact of disinfectants & sanitizers on the ATP signal is studied using a panel of industrial products commonly applied in the food, beverage and other regulated industries.
- Application Note: FREE vs Total ATP
Total ATP is the sum of free ATP and intracellular ATP. ATP is permanently renewed and recycled within the cell, but its production immediately stops when the cell dies.
- Brochure: MVP ICON® ATP Testing System
MVP ICON® sampling devices are designed to compensate for variations in swabbing technique, so no matter how many technicians you have or the frequency of staff turnover, you can be assured of accurate, consistent readings.
- Application Note: HY-LiTE® Testing of Paints and Coatings Samples
Regular microbial monitoring of paints and coatings is important to ensure timely action that affects quality and processes.
- Application Note: HY-LiTE® Surface Testing for Biofilm Contamination
The presence of biofilm in a system may sometimes be diagnosed by elevated readings of extra-cellular (Free) ATP and/or other metabolites in the liquid.
- Application Note: HY-LiTE® Plus – Testing of Biocide Efficacy
This document describes the method to demonstrate the speed and mode of action of different Biocides in water samples naturally contaminated or spiked with bacterial cultures.
- Application Note: Suspended Reading of HY-LiTE® Tests
The HY-LiTE® Liquid Test Pens are ready-to-use pens that measure total ATP in liquid samples using the HY-LiTE® 2/2A luminometer.
- Application Note: Suitability of MC Media Pad® for Hygiene Monitoring
The study focused on usage of MC‑Media Pad® in passive air, personnel and surface monitoring in comparison to standard test methods.
- Brochure: Swab & Sampler Test Kits for Quality Control
This technique eliminates the cumbersome and expensive hardware and materials associated with traditional testing techniques.
- Flyer: Envirocheck® Dip Slides
Envirocheck® Dip Slides provide semi-quantitative detection of microorganisms on surfaces and in liquids.

製品 | 対象 | 測定方法 | 装置の必要性 | 結果読出時間(TTR) | アッセイ保存・有効期限 |
MVP ICON™システム | ATP、導電率と濃度、pH、温度 | ATPスワブはルミノメーターで読み取り、その他のパラメーターはオプションのプローブで読み取る | Yes | 18秒 | 室温 |
HY-LiTE® 2システム
| 表面、液体、産業用サンプルとジェットA1燃料中のATP | アプリケーション専用のATPペンをルミノメーターで読み取る | Yes | 16秒 | 2~8ºC |
FLASH™ RT比色アッセイ | アレルゲンを含む総タンパク質量 | タンパク質スワブ比色アッセイ(存在/不在) | No | 10±4分 | 室温 |
HY-RiSE®比色アッセイ | NAD/NADHとそのリン酸塩 | テストストリップと3つの試薬(湿潤剤、基質、酵素)を用いた比色アッセイ | No | 4~5分 | 室温または2~8ºC |
製品 | 対象 | 測定方法 | 装置の必要性 | 結果読出時間(TTR) | アッセイ保存・有効期限 |
ディップ・スワブ検査器 | 総生菌数、大腸菌群、カビ・酵母 | 培養後、片面の微生物コロニーを数える | No(培養器を除く) | 24~72時間 | 室温 |
Envirocheck™ディップスライド | 総数、腸内細菌、 大腸菌、大腸菌群、カビ・酵母 | 培養後、A面とB面の異なる微生物コロニーを数える | No(培養器を除く) | 24時間~7日 | 15ºC未満 |